Rise in Christianity

                                      Rise in Christianity

                                                                 by Norman Rivas 

               Many believe that Rise in Christianity was the reason as to why Rome fell from the good era it had. Christianity turned its followers into pacifists,people who are anti-war. Since pacifists are against war it would be hard to defend attacks against Rome. This would not be good for Rome. The churches were attracting numerous qualified rulers whose talents were needed to deal with issues of the empire. Nobody would be able to rule and chaos could would start. this could lead to destruction. The money used to maintain the empire was used to build more churches and monasteries. Rome would be left with no money to spend when needed. Goods we be sold for more cost so that more money could be made.
              In 313 the edict of Milan legalized Christianity, the religion that later on became the official religion of Rome in 380.  This may have changed the original roman system.  Christianity changed the polytheistic religion Rome once had. Popes and other church eladers started taking an increased role in political affairs and complicating governance.

1 comment:

  1. This is Mr. Mooney. I am testing the comments function to see where this posts. MM
