Barbarian Invasions
By Norman RivasBarbarian invasions could be one of the reasons for the fall of Rome. Barbarian invasions are invasions from foreigners. When Roman soldiers were relieved from duty from the Danube river in the third century the Roman border was left to attack. Thus letting barbarian tribes/groups attack the Roman borders. Romans had no defence at the time. Germanic hunters took over Roman lands in Gaul ans Greece. This left Rome with less land. Germanic tribes/groups could join and cause disruption. Oadoacar, a germanic general, overthrew the last Roman emperor in 476 AD. Germanics now have Rome`s power. Roman`s were weak and had an enemy as their ruler.
Although Rome had tangled with germanic tribes before, by the late 300`s barbarian groups started to encroach in on the empire`s borders. In the 4th century the Romans weathered Germanic uprising and then in 410 a Visigoth leader, Alaric, sacked the city of Rome successfully. Then the empire was in constant threat for at least a decade. In 455 the empire was again raided but this time by the Vandals. Finally in 476 a germanic leader, Odoacer, got rid of the last ever Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus. This is the reason as to why people say 476 was the Fall of Rome.
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