Inferior technology

Inferior Technology
Bella Davisson

               Many historians believe that Rome's fall was because of inferior technology. Inferior technology is scientific achievements and inventions. Romans built marvelous bridges, roads and aqueducts. The bridge were very long and durable. They also built roads and some of them have lasted for centuries. Romans also built the first medicine system. They built this system to help the poor so if they get sick they can afford it. This most likely saved many peoples lives. At a time romans just stopped inventing stuff and failed to invent many new machines. This happened because they relied so much on human and animal labor. As a result, Romans were unable to provide important goods for their growing population.  Inferior technology was an important factor in the fall of Rome.
             Scientific achievements were limited to engineering and public services to help the people which caused the decline of Rome. They were no longer capturing many cities and inventing new technology. They were now losing much land because other cities/countries had better technology and armies than them. Inferior technology helped lead to the fall of the Roman Empire.